What Do We Teach
We teach a curriculum called Firm Foundations – Creation to Christ by New Tribe Ministries. It walks the student through the Bible verse by verse, from Genesis to the resurrection of Jesus. Our goal is to teach students to apply biblical principles to everyday life.

Dacusville Middle School. Getty's Middle School. Liberty Middle School. Pickens Middle School. R.C. Edwards Middle School. Daniel High School.

To teach God's word to our local public school students through the Released Time Bible education ministry, introducing them to the person of Jesus Christ and sound biblical truth.

Hundreds of Released Time students have made professions of faith through this ministry.

On average 70% of Released Time students do not attend a church.


Donate or Sponsor
Standard - Sponsoring a Student
Your contribution helps put God into our public school system and creates opportunities for students to explore His message of salvation. Sponsors will be provided with a student packet that includes the name of a student to pray for, as well as details about our newsletter and additional information.
$30 a Month allows one student to attend a Released Time Class in Pickens County.
Here is what your $30 does: • Puts the Bible in the Public School System • Puts Prayer in the Public School System • Puts God in the Public School System • Gives an un-churched student an opportunity to hear the Gospel • Disciples Students
We hear many stories about students who received Christ at Released Time then in turn get their whole family in church. Help us today by sponsoring students so they can have an opportunity to come, because without gifts like yours this organization cannot exist.
Thank you!

Sponsor a Kid Today!
Sign up for our PC Christian Learning Centers' Newsletter here and get started in supporting a child.